Nevita Kraamzorg


If you have a complaint about Nevita

If you have a complaint about the care provided by Nevita Maternity Care, it can be frustrating for both you and the service provider. Nevita Maternity Care has a specific complaints procedure in place that complies with the Healthcare Quality, Complaints, and Disputes Act (Wkkgz). This complaints procedure has been entrusted to Klachtenportaal|Zorg for handling.

On this page, we provide you with information about our approach and what we can do for you. In healthcare relationships, dissatisfaction can arise, which may lead to an official complaint. The Healthcare Quality, Complaints, and Disputes Act (Wkkgz) has been established to resolve complaints as smoothly as possible. Fortunately, most issues can be resolved through a constructive conversation between the healthcare provider and the client. You can receive free assistance from an independent complaints officer in this process. If this does not lead to a resolution, the dispute can be submitted to the dispute resolution authority, which will make a binding decision on the matter.

Dissatisfaction with healthcare services can be related to decisions made by a healthcare provider, their conduct, the quality of care provided, or something a healthcare provider fails to do. A complaint may also arise when a healthcare provider does not answer certain questions or provide (adequate) information.

The procedure we follow when addressing dissatisfaction or a complaint can be found on the back of this flyer. Of course, this procedure can be tailored 'as needed' to the specific situation.

If you wish to file a complaint about a healthcare provider affiliated with Klachtenportaal Zorg, please follow these steps:

  1. First, discuss the dissatisfaction or complaint with the healthcare provider.
  2. If you are unable to reach a resolution together, both the client and the healthcare provider can contact Klachtenportaal Zorg at You can also fill out the complaint form on

Rules for Dissatisfaction or Complaints

The Healthcare Quality, Complaints, and Disputes Act (Wkkgz) aims to handle complaints in an easily accessible manner, provide transparency regarding complaints within healthcare, and enable learning from these complaints. Your healthcare provider is obligated to have a complaints procedure in place to ensure that complaints are handled carefully. Below are the rules that apply when submitting a complaint:

  1. Preferably, inform the healthcare provider first about your dissatisfaction or complaint.
  2. Both the healthcare provider and the client can request assistance from an independent complaints officer from Klachtenportaal Zorg.
  3. The formal timeline of the complaints procedure begins when the complaints officer has notified the healthcare provider, on behalf of the client, about the complaint via a letter or email.
  4. From that moment, the healthcare provider has 6 weeks to work towards a resolution. During this period, it is possible to exchange questions, answers, and viewpoints through letters or emails and/or engage in discussions.
  5. After 6 weeks, the healthcare provider provides a substantiated judgment on the complaint, including at least: the healthcare provider's perspective on the complaint, the decisions made, and the measures taken as a result of the complaint.
  6. The 6-week period may be extended once by 4 weeks. The healthcare provider informs the client of this extension and explains why. Only if both the client and the healthcare provider agree can there be another extension. This extension must be necessary to reach a resolution, such as through a mediation process.
  7. If you are not satisfied with the solution and the handling of the complaint by the healthcare provider, you can escalate the complaint as a dispute to the independent and recognized Disputes Committee. A fee of €90 is charged for this, and you may also submit a substantiated claim for damages.
  8. The Disputes Committee determines the procedure for handling the dispute and will generally apply the principles of fair hearing and response. The submitted documents and the healthcare provider's judgment are taken into account for the binding decision that both parties must adhere to.

In the complaints regulations of Klachtenportaal Zorg B.V. and the dispute resolution regulations of the Stichting Geschilleninstantie KPZ, all conditions and rules for the handling of complaints and disputes are described.

We always ensure the privacy of the client, the healthcare provider, and healthcare professionals.